Route “Verde”

Percorso Verde

Length: 2/3 horas

Starting from “Porta Monte”, at the beginning of “Le Scalette”, take the bicycle lane “R. Casarotto” and continue until you arrive in  the village of Santa croce Bigolina. then take the bicycle lane in direction of Torri di Arcugnano, and you will arrive at via Monte Lungo. There you can stop at the “Gelateria Veronica”, which produces a typical homemade ice-cream with organic ingredients. Carry on until you reach via Bisortole and then via Monte Castellaro. Here you can take the bicycle lane to reach Lago di Fimon (lake fimon). once you get to the lake you can choose to follow the panoramic route (5km long) around the lake. Alternatively you can enter the little town of Lago di Fimon by the normal road. From the town you can go to via Valdemarca, and continue until you reach via Covolo , then turn left in via Buzzolati. Now you can go to the tavern Da Carletto in via Valle dei Molini. Following this street you can reach Valle dei Molini where you can admire a beautiful and natural landscape, and the Casarotto watermill. In the following lines we are going to give details about a similar shorter route, with fewer bycicle lanes. Starting from Porta Monte on the scalette, take the Bycicle lane R. Casarotto and follow it until you arrive at the village of Longara. Then take via Grancare until you arrive at Grancare Basse. Proceed along via Palù. On the final part of the street be careful when you go downhill in via Boeca. The descent continues in a street that ends with a little bridge, from where you can follow the panoramic route of the lake.


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